Innovative Wedding Gift and Tea Packaging Ideas for Tea Lovers!

Wedding gifts are an important and lasting memory of that special day, and with tea becoming a trending idea for such occasions I thought I would talk about that a little here at Tea Life. The possibilities are numerous, with personalized name tags, test tubes, a variety of stunning colors and flavors to choose from, and if you really want to go all out - adding a tea strainer to each gift pack.

Let's go through some creative ideas for tea packaging that we have used at weddings in the past for past customers...

Tea Packages For Wedding Gifts

Tea in Test Tube!

tea in a test tubeA wonderful idea that's really picking up steam these days - and looks totally gorgeous if done right. Test tubes should probably be plastic for safety reasons, but glass is normally okay too.

The amount of vials you give your guests is up to you, and with no real 'norm' per se. The amount will range from one to five per guest.


Name Tags on the Tea!

name tag on teaName tags are a way to personalize your gift, to make them truly feel special on the day. It's also a way to keep track of things! Finding a personalized tea gift at your wedding seat is always going to be an unexpected stunner.

Commonly used materials are either cloth or paper. A cloth can be tricky and is usually limited to the names of the bride and groom.

General Tea Gifts Packaging

tea in a jarThere's no specific formula to follow. Use a jar, a test tube, a normal tea packet. You don't have to use the guest's names, even a sweet message is enough. It's your day, so everything is up to you and your own creativity!





Tea Bags with Name Tags!

tea bags with name tags for weddings

Sometimes it can be good to stick with what people are used to and provide tea bags with a sweet message to be consumed on the day. This is also an easy and cost-effective solution that doesn't take too much effort so that you can focus on other aspects of the wedding. A plate of these also looks wonderful! 

Now that we've given you a few ideas, let's get onto the most important topic of which teas are popular choices for wedding gifts...


Teas to Gift as a Wedding Present 

Blue Pea Flower Tea

blue pea flower tea

We've put this one first for a reason. Blue Pea flower is a magical show stopper and our most popular request for wedding teas. If you haven't heard of it before, it's a mild tea that is easy to like and hard to look away from once brewed due to the bright blue color that will infuse into the water. Not just blue, but a very striking unexpected blue that isn't easily forgotten.


blue peaflower tea in a cupAs our number one pick for wedding teas, we're always well-stocked of this one! Whilst not the most fragrant of teas, the effect and wonder it produces more than makes up for it.




Hibiscus Tea

hibiscus tea for weddings

Hibiscus, much like Blue Pea flower, is a 'color' tea that gives off a deep red color when steeped. But unlike Pea flower - it is also consumed for both the taste and benefits and is one of our best sellers both within weddings and to the public in general. This particular tea is a little sour but in a good way, and hits upon some kind of craving that you didn't know you've been missing.

Those are the main two types of teas we'd be recommending at weddings.

Other very notable mentions are....


We like to say we have the most pepperminty peppermint ever here. Universally liked, and also great for drinking directly after dinner as it's great for digesting and contains no caffeine. 


Also universally liked, and a very safe bet.

French Earl Grey

Classy, exquisitely fragrant, and unexpected.

Goodnight Sleeping Tea

Functional and also a treat before bedtime that everyone loves.

Buddhas Tears

Small pearls of Jasmine rolled up, with a smell to die for. This one's actually highly recommended too as it's also classy and unusual - but will also go down very well with almost all people.  



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