10.02.2023 newsletter

  • This week we have Blackberry Leaf in stock after a few requests, we'll see how it goes! We're still awaiting restock of Buddhas Tears which should be back in soon.

    Many teas from China should have been restocked by now such as Chrysanthemum, Buddhas Tears, Dragon Pearl and many others. As I'm often known for my transparency I'll just be honest and say it looks like the supplier may have taken the money and disappeared.

    I'm ordering again with a more regular source that I go back further with and hopefully most of the China based teas will be restocked in a month or two.

    Price increases (lack of)

    You may have (definitely) noticed a lot of price increases from a large number of companies due to inflation and increased costs. I have seen many of these increases not in line with inflation and where they should be, and also suspect that some companies just increase because everyone else is despite having little to no increase in their supply side costs.

    I do not take this approach and remain committed to providing pricing that reflects our true cost along with reasonable margins that enable me to safely keep the doors open and orders going out.

    Price increases over the past few years have been minimal, mostly affected by small increases supplier side and import/shipping costs.


    Mullein Coarse Restock Reminder

    There's now two types of Mullein available at Tea Life!
    We have the coarse version that we used to always stock, which many seem to prefer, along with the cheaper finer one.

    I've been told that both work well for decongestion but there's still many that prefer the more coarse one.

    Restocks Reminder


    Recent Restocks with many more on the way. 2023 will be the year of overstocking for Tea Life as one of my goals is to stop running out of stock and take advantage of this larger warehouse!

    Peach Gum
    Dandelion Root
    Blue Peaflower


    Shipping Times

    We've seen delays to QLD and WA that may be easing up now. Just a gentle reminder that in most cases we won't refund based on shipping times as you will still most likely receive the order. If deemed missing I can definitely refund or resend.



    I hope everyone has a good weekend! - Toby @ Tea Life

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