This week I'll briefly mention our new Spring/Summer Tea Collection category. If you're unsure what to buy in either Summer/Spring/Winter or Autumn, these collections can help out.
They'll be updated depending on the season and always be found on the front page of the website.
Medicinal Herb Reminder
Just a small reminder that if it's your first time buying a particular herb, especially because you've been told to pick some up by a herbalist/naturopath/doctor, it may not taste good!
A lot of herbs that we stock are purely medicinal in nature and while we get great feedback for a lot of them, the taste can not be changed and infact the saying 'the worse something tastes the better it can be for you' definitely applies here.
If taste is important to you, please check with me first prior to purchase. For the biggest offenders I've placed warnings in the description for most of them.
Remember that it's usually fine to add honey to anything to help the taste.
Recent New Additions Roundup
A final roundup of our new teas...
Green Tea Sri Lanka <-- Everyday Green Tea
Jilungin Tea <-- For Sleep
Roasted Barley <-- Everyday Chilled Tea
This is on top of the greatly expanded Australian native range over the past few months also. This range is actually perfect for Spring and Summer drinking. For newcomers or for those not sure what to try first I'd recommend Lemongrass (very different to what you're used to), Strawberry Gum, Lemon Gum or Peppermint Gum.
New Articles
Jilungin Tea: Nature's Sleep Aid and More
I hope everyone has a good weekend! - Toby @ Tealife