03.10.2023 newsletter

  • I hope everyone had a good long weekend! I thought I'd keep this email until after, to be a little less annoying.

    I do have some updates to talk about though which are...

    Back in Stock

    Rose Petal

    Ginger Root

    Blue Lotus

    Most of those were long overdue and were held up in customs for over two months. Sorry for the delay in the restocks, particularly Blue Lotus as many have been asking about that.

    New Teas

    Over the weekend I have also added two new interesting teas

    White Fairy Tea

    Oolong Aged Vietnam

    White Fairy Tea is quite similar to Silver Needle Tea but grown in Vietnam and with a unique taste that is white tea, but different enough to Silver Needle to definitely warrant trying if you're a fan of it.

    I do like the new Oolong as it's a fairly deep, almost roasted in taste.

    Since we have some new teas and restocks at the same time, please allow an extra day for shipping as we'll be busy packing and catching up tomorrow. There's a high chance no orders will be delayed though.

    Last Week New Addition Recap

    Dragons Claw

    Earl Grey Sri Lanka


    New Packaging

    I should recieve new packaging any day now, which will be similar to the exisiting but with ziplock. It will take some time before they're all ziplock but will all eventually carry over, starting with the most popular teas. It's definitely a move in the right direction though and glad to finally have the right packing machine that is capable of using them.


    I hope everyone had a good weekend! - Toby @ Tealife

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