20.11.2023 newsletter

  • This week we've enabled Top Hat Cup and Woody Hat Cup back on the website in case anyone wants those for Christmas. I stilll need to find the time to check the rest of the glassware before I make those available again.

    We also have a new Chamomile write up here.

    Attention Business / Website Owners

    I recently was finally able to enable automatic payouts for our Affiliate program, which decreases my work significantly in that area, and therefore want to promote this feature a little bit more as it's fairly hidden.

    Our affiliate program is both generous and powerful, packed with features. We have 30 day cookie settings and 10% payout per order to your Paypal account on the first of each month.

    It's perfect if you have any health oriented websites you may want to put a banner or link up on, but the use is fairly flexible.

    If you're interested in joining, please see this link here.


    Recent Restocks

    Gunpowder Green Tea

    Linden (cut)

    Siberian Ginseng

    Turkish Rhubarb

    Slippery Elm

    Dragon Pearl White Rolled Jasmine Tea

    Recent New
    Osmanthus Oolong

    Jasmine Green Rolled Tea


    Christmas Tea Promotion Reminder

    15% off any two or more teas within this collection

    From now until 20th Dec midnight, we have a new Christmas category up which is a hand picked collection of teas that may be suitable for Christmas and gatherings. Notable additions are the entire blooming range and fusion range.

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