If you're looking to restock your tea caddy with some handy winter teas that will help boost your immune system, then look no further than our collection of herbal teas to help keep you cosy and healthy.
Here at Tea Life, we prioritise taste and flavour with our organic teas, but since we receive the purest tea leaves from our suppliers, you can also guarantee to experience the best effects when consuming these teas regularly.
Chamomile Tea
A list of the top herbal teas to boost immunity wouldn't be complete without our trusty blend of Chamomile tea.
Ours is also known as German Chamomile, which is world renowned for bringing a sense of peace and tranquillity to its regular drinkers. However, did you know it also possesses the wonderful power to boost your immune system function?
Ward off infections and remain calm with a delicious cup of chamomile tea today.
Rooibos Tea
Another popular favourite here at Tea Life is our fabulous blend of Rooibos tea, otherwise known as red bush tea.
Some people may know rooibos as a respiratory herb because it contains polyphenols, which have been proven to be anti-inflammatory (good for acne), anti-viral, anti-carcinogenic, and anti-mutagenic.
These excellent properties of this immunity tea make it a perfect choice when restocking your winter tea caddy.
Not only that, but we have a few different blends of rooibos tea to help make a dark winter evening feel even more cosy. Of course, all of these teas are still organic and contain the impressive healing traits of our standard blend of rooibos tea.
Mullein Tea
Some of our tea aficionados may know mullein as the lung herb because of the impressive way in which it clears mucus from the lungs. This is definitely a quality you need in a winter tea, which is why we have included mullein as one of the top five teas for winter.
If you enjoy using herbal teas as remedies for various ailments, then mullein is a really good addition to your natural first aid kit.
A lot of our tea fans enjoy using mullein to treat other conditions like heartburn and indigestion, making mullein an absolute staple of natural tea remedies.
We have a fine and coarse blend of mullein tea available in our online store, but we also have a fantastic sore throat and lung recovery tea, which is another must-have for winter! This blend contains mullein tea thanks to its brilliant mucus and phlegm relieving properties.
Blue Peaflower Tea
The health benefits of blue peaflower tea have been treasured by the South East Asian community for years. The breathtaking blue appearance of this tea is certainly a talking point and if you want to add a little magic to winter tea parties just add lemon juice for a colour changing wonder.
However, this delightful tea is not just loved for its stunning appearance but also for its fabulous array of impressive healthy benefits.
Blue pea flower tea is packed full of powerful antioxidants that have been proven to be anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory and even have the ability to fight cancer cells.
Indian Ayurvedic medicinal system even claims this excellent blend can fight the symptoms of ADHD and Alzheimer's and reduce overall stress levels. Definitely a must-have to help you through the gloomy winter months!
Green Tea
Another powerful tea with excellent anti-inflammatory properties is green tea. Our green tea first harvest blend is made up of the first tea leaves of the season making the end cup taste a little sweeter than regular green tea.
Green tea has long been hailed as a super tea with it's abilities to boost general health and the Japanese community even believe it to possess the power to extend your lifespan.
We love green tea for the winter months thanks to it's soothing capabilities when it comes to general coughs and colds. Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which is an antioxidant contained within green tea, is said to be a natural cough suppressant, which is excellent if you want to avoid taking over-the-counter medications when you're feeling unwell.
Why Choose Tea?
When you choose to rehydrate with tea, you are getting all the glorious benefits of a herbal remedy and the flavours of your favourite blend. Tea is a warming treat in winter and a refreshing break in the summer that makes it the perfect beverage no matter what the weather!

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If you want to read more about our teas, then check out the tea journal. We've got plenty of awesome recipes and DIYs for you to try using our organic tea.
Remember, for a 100% Australian-owned and operated tea company selling only the best organic tea, shop Tea Life! You won't be disappointed!