- Singers TeaThis tea is specially formulated for singers that need to keep a healthy relaxed throat, ready for all types of performance and the inevitable throat strain and pain that arises from professional ...$9.95★★★★★14 review(s)
- Wake Up TeaBest Tea to wake you up This tea has been crafted as a coffee replacement that will give you a kick of caffeine in the morning, but in a more natural and gentle caffeine comedown without the ...$10.95★★★★★60 review(s)
- Silver Needle Divine JasmineA more modern infusion of the revered Silver Needle tea (Bai Hao Yin Zhen 白毫银针) that we've named 'Silver Needle Divine Jasmine' that tastes and smells..well.. divine. This infusion keeps the ...$20.95★★★★★19 review(s)
- Coffee Fruit TeaCoffee Fruit Tea (Coffea Arabica) also known as 'Cascara' is a new and rare addition to Tea Life that is potent, pure, and a sustainable source of antioxidants. A very good and healthy alternative ...$9.95★★★★★14 review(s)
- Osmanthus TeaOsmanthus Flower Tea Osmanthus Tea is a bit of a rare and special new addition to Tea Life that we have here on a trial basis. A unique and sweet scent that is both relaxing and comforting. Much ...$15.85★★★★★20 review(s)
- Bamboo Leaf TeaThe star of the show in Bamboo Leaf Tea (Bambusoideae) is silica, and with Bamboo Leaf being one of the most popular forms of consumption of silica due to the absence of complications that may be ...$8.95★★★★★13 review(s)
- Sarsaparilla Root TeaThere's a few types of Sarsaparilla around, but we've chosen to bring in Indian Sarsaparilla (hemidesmus indicus) due to its long and proven history of medicinal properties. This Sarsaparilla ...$10.95★★★★★2 review(s)
- Moringa TeaMoringa Tea Australia Moringa (Moringa oleifera) is actually quite a nutritious plant, containing vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Iron, Riboflavin, Vitamin A, Magnesium, antioxidants and other compounds. ...$8.95★★★★★33 review(s)
- Bay Leaf TeaBay Leaf Tea is known to decrease migraine symptoms in some people. Along with this, the leaf contains enzymes that can help to break down food faster and thus aid in digestion. Early research ...$8.95★★★★★4 review(s)
- Forget Me Not TeaForget Me Not Flower We love getting rare flowers and herbs in at Tea Life and Forget Me Not tea is no exception - which is currently only available in Australia here. Forget Me Not tea ( Myosotis ...$9.95★★★★★2 review(s)
- Apple Flower TeaApple Flower Tea is a bit of a versatile flower - traditionally used to help maintain and promote beautiful clear skin, along with clearing acne, aiding digestion and reducing fatty build up. ...$9.95★★★★★13 review(s)
- Chaga BossChaga Boss is a unique Tea Life only blend that is designed to be both extremely healthy, yet yummy! An easy to drink blend that is caffeine free so there's no need to worry about overdosing on ...$15.95★★★★★31 review(s)
- Detox Body Cleanse TeaA 14 day two step approach is taken with our caffeine free detox tea. Firstly the liver and kidneys gain the support they need to more effectively cleanse the body and aid in weight loss. If they ...$14.95★★★★★49 review(s)
- African Spice TeaTake a trip to Africa with our unique African Spice Tea. This fusion contains Rooibos, Honeybush, Ginger, Pepper, and Blue Lotus, all finely blended with painstaking creativity and rejoicing in a ...$10.95★★★★★15 review(s)
- Peppermint Gum Native TeaPeppermint Gum is native to Australia, particularly in the woodlands of South Australia and used by Aboriginals for thousands of years as a decongestant and digestive aid. A leaf from the ...$16.95★★★★★16 review(s)